Getting started on a goal can be like sailing into a wind of resistance. We start with every intention to sail; the boat is unmoored, the destination set and spotlighted in your head – you find the wind against you.

The wind against you is your resistance and the impostrous thoughts that fill your mind. They bark at you of the dangers of trying, “maybe today is not the day to start,” and “you’re probably better off staying ashore.” Though to move forward in any direction, you must find a way to harness the energy of your wind at your back. You must find small gusts of progress; it is the only way forward.

Too often, we set our goals anticipating the world’s energy will gust through our sail and carry us to the destination with luck, without sweat or fear—this due to discounting other’s work and wanting instantaneous gratification embarking on success.

We try to find shortcuts; we buy and rig technology hoping it hurries our results. Yet, the only way to move forward against the wind of resistance is to tack.

Tacking is the small strides and the daily progress; it is consistently and tactically getting the wind behind you to move a little bit forward. It is compounding progress and momentary momentum that drives us against our resistance. The energy of progress creates confidence, allowing us to ride with the wind at our backs.

We must show our resistance that we can tack before our nature gives us the confidence to sail with fury. We must start slow before we can go fast. We must focus on progress to enjoy the destination, and we must respect the journey to get started.